Insight is a terrible thing to waste!

Really, insight is such a primary aspect of Account-Based Marketing. It’s foundational in a world where it’s estimated that the average US adult receives as much as 10,000 marketing impressions per day (AMA).

I can tell you with absolute certainty that nobody is out there waiting for your deft marketing efforts to come upon them. The trick today is to base your engagement strategy on the expressed needs of the audience, and not your campaign theme of the day. Intent is a form of data that can help you do this at scale.

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Check out this Infographic showing how to on-board Intent data for your #ABM program. Step by step to get the full value of your #Data investment. #B2B #Marketing Share on X

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Demand Gen Report: The State of B2B Intent Data

I had the pleasure of touching base with Brian Anderson, Managing Editor ABM In Action, on this topic. Their ABM Benchmark Survey Report identified a ton of interest, 35% said they plan to use Intent Insights in the next 12 months. We discussed the value this provides in the topic and timing discussion many marketers face.

Three takeaways from the conversation with Brian and dozens of ABM practitioners:

  1. When 3rd party Intent data matches a marketers own engagement data (1st party Insight), magic can happen.There’s nothing more validating than this situation, especially if the topics are well aligned.
  2. Operationalizing Intent data is not as easy as many would like to profess. The infographic above lays out the case for this. Personally, I’ve like providers in this space who focus on this operationalization question. For example, MRP Prelytix does a great job of embedding Intent Insights into their platform, making it a breeze to execute and realize full value.
  3. 3rd party Intent data isn’t a substitute for well-maintained 1st party data. In the article I’m quoted on this point… saying that I believe many marketers purchase this data for the wrong reasons, believing their own data is in such terrible condition they go outside to find new data to add on top. 
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